
Please, not the blog.

I love words. I love to hear them spoken, read aloud, sung, whispered. I love to hear them being tapped out on computer keys, or typewriters, when there used to be typewriters. I love pens and pencils on paper, and erasers. I love the hushed, holy sound of a book being opened, a page being turned. I love words that sound like what they mean. A word I do not love is "blog," which sounds like a sickness -- lethargy, stuffy nose, churning stomach. "Oh, no, she's got the blog."

1 comment:

Joyce Allen said...

Was I the one who infected you with the blog or did you infect me? We were both trying to sneeze in the other direction, I thought. There are advantages to it, though, as I suppose there must be advantages to tuberculosis, if you look carefully and sort of squint.
In any case, I loved reading yours!
Joyce Allen